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Thesis | Metaverse | 2022

Throughout the different eras of civilization, art and design have played an integral part in our lives. From cave paintings to the digital art of now, they have surely experienced a giant leap forward in terms of medium and portrayal with the help of technological innovations. Millions of artists around the world continue to produce truly incredible pieces unique to their style and genre. But how much of them do we actually get to see or experience in our lifetime?

The Idris aims to provide a solution to this, with the help of Metaverse and Digital Design.

4 artists from different countries with varied artistic styles  - Girjesh Kumar Singh, Farbod Elkaei, Ornaghi & Prestinari, and Dana Lok were chosen. Diverse digital environments are created to match the artist’s style and aesthetic and host their artwork in a way it can be truly appreciated and encountered. Making use of web 3.0, this space can be accessed by anyone with a digital presence and also opens up a new realm of possibilities for the artists in terms of exposure and benefits.

The project ultimately, connects the digital and physical worlds, culminating in a novel experience.

Curated NFT artworks for each artist are also placed in the exhibits to be sold as collectibles and also to promote the exhibit.



A 3D icon representing each artist is placed in the lobby space to serve as a portal to each exhibit. 


This lobby space would be placed in any of the existing metaverses such as Sandbox, Decentraland, Spatial, etc., making it interoperable and helping to attract curious users to the exhibit

Layout - Idris
Girjesh kumar singh - idris
Farbod elkaei - idris
Ornaghi & prestinari - Idris
Dana lok - idris
Girjesh Kumar Singh exhibit

Girjesh Kumar Singh exhibit

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